Can Artificial Intelligence Be Used to Write Helpful Content?

Using AI in your content writing strategy has both benefits and drawbacks to it.

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Written By Shane Cousins

Feb 2023 / Reading Length: 5 minutes

artificial intelligence

Using AI in your content writing strategy has both benefits and drawbacks to it, a benefit of using AI is that you can create content much more quickly compared to how fast a human could write. However a drawback is losing that human touch to the article which could make it boring and tedious for users to read, so in order to benefit from AI you should only use it to co-write content at this time.


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm with its remarkable advancements in machine learning and natural language processing capabilities. This technology has been used in many ways, from automated emails to chatbots, but can it be used to write helpful content?


The answer is “yes”. AI can be used to create helpful content, including blog posts, articles, novels and even grading essays. However just because it can write helpful content does not guarantee that it will be quality content. In this article, we’ll discuss how AI can be used in content writing strategies along with the advantages and disadvantages of using AI. We’ll also look at some of the tools available that use AI technology to generate quality content quickly and accurately.


Ways AI can be Used to Help Write Helpful Content

The use of artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular in the content writing world, with many people turning to automated tools for assistance creating engaging and useful content. By leveraging AI technology, it is now possible to create high-quality content quickly and efficiently. When it comes to content writing strategies, AI can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Automated Content Generation: Using AI-powered tools, you can generate articles quickly and easily without needing to write from scratch every time. These tools can process user input and produce tailor-made pieces based on templates and algorithms.
  • Sentiment Analysis: This type of AI tool analyses text and extracts sentiment associated with it. It can help identify positive or negative sentiment that customers have towards your brand so that you know what topics they are interested in reading more about.
  • Natural Language Processing: NLP is the process of understanding natural human language using computer algorithms. It allows you to automatically understand user intent by analysing text inputs, which will enable you to create more relevant and personalised content for readers.
  • Keyword Research: Machine learning algorithms allow these AI tools to analyse large amounts of data from search engines like Google and suggest keywords for your articles. This will help ensure that your content reaches its intended audience as effectively as possible by including targeted terms throughout the copywriting process.


Using the right combination of these strategies could significantly improve your content quality and engagement levels, resulting in better performance overall! Additionally, these tools will help shorten the process when creating an article due to how quick and efficient AI can be, making them ideal if you’re short on resources or need to produce large volumes of text quickly and efficiently.

The Benefits of Using AI to Write Helpful Content

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the writing world has revolutionised the way people create content. With AI, it is now possible to generate high-quality content in a fraction of the time and cost it used to take humans to do the same job. Here are some of the benefits that come with using AI for writing helpful content:


  1. Increased productivity – By using AI tools, writers can create more content in less time. This helps them save time and money while still producing quality work.
  2. Improved accuracy and consistency – AI technology is programmed to generate error-free writing, meaning your content will be free of spelling, grammar or factual errors. This makes it easier for readers to trust what they’re reading, resulting in better engagement and conversions from your audience.
  3. More personalised – Automated tools can generate highly personalised pieces tailored to specific audiences. For instance, you could use AI tools to create blog posts based on a user’s interests or needs. This helps ensure that your content resonates with readers and encourages them to act upon it. We will go over some AI tools you can use later.
  4. Enhanced creativity – Despite popular belief, AI technology can also be used for more creative tasks such as generating stories or dialogue for books and screenplays. While these tools are still far from perfect, they offer a great starting point for writers looking for fresh ideas or inspiration when crafting their works of art.


Overall, by leveraging the power of AI tech, writers can produce higher-quality work faster than ever before while also freeing up their time for more creative pursuits like brainstorming new ideas and developing storylines for their stories or scripts.


The Drawbacks of Using AI to Write Helpful Content

While the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the writing world has many advantages, it is important to be aware of some of its potential drawbacks. Here are some risks that come with using AI for writing helpful content:


  1. Loss of Human Touch – Automated tools can produce high-quality content, but they lack the human touch and emotion that come with a piece written by a person. This means that although your content may be well-written, it won’t necessarily capture the interest and attention of readers in the same way a piece created by a human would.
  2. Lacks Originality – It’s no secret that automated tools are programmed to create pieces based on existing templates and algorithms. As such, your content will often lack originality and authenticity which can cause readers to lose interest quickly.
  3. Unpredictable Outcomes – Although AI can produce quality work, it is also prone to mistakes due to its inability to process complex concepts such as sarcasm or context. This could potentially lead to embarrassing or confusing outcomes when readers misunderstand what was intended.
  4. Security Issues – Finally, automated tools can also open up a number of security issues as hackers may try to gain access to sensitive data used by these tools in order to steal information or manipulate the results produced by them.


Overall, while using AI technology can help make creating helpful content easier and faster, it is important to consider all potential risks before relying on this technology for any kind of writing project.


Examples of People Using AI

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the writing world is becoming increasingly popular, with many people trying out this new technology for their content creation needs. Here are some examples of how people have used AI to create helpful content:

  1. Buzzfeed – Buzzfeed has been one of the most prominent adopters of AI technology, using it to generate creative content like quizzes and articles that engage readers and drive website traffic. The results have been extremely successful, with the company reporting increased engagement from its audience and an average growth rate of 10% year-on-year since 2016.
  2. AccuWeather – AccuWeather has also incorporated AI into its content creation process, including using an AI-powered platform called Nebula to generate weather reports and forecasts for its viewers. The system uses a combination of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to produce high-quality stories accurately and quickly without human intervention.
  3. New York Times – The New York Times has also embraced the use of AI in its newsroom, using it to automate certain tasks such as fact-checking, data analysis, and story generation. However, while these tools are effective at producing accurate work quickly, they can sometimes miss contextual errors or misunderstand certain topics which can lead to inaccurate information being published in articles by mistake.


Overall, while there are plenty of successful examples of people leveraging AI to produce helpful content more efficiently than ever before, it is important not to overlook potential pitfalls that come with relying on automated tools such as mistakes or security issues.


Which AI Content Writing Tools Should I use?

If you choose to use AI in your content writing strategy, here are a few tools I would recommend for this.


One of the most popular AI writing tools is SEO. AI, which offers a range of features designed to help you create SEO-friendly content quickly and easily. It has an intuitive interface and provides detailed analytics about your content performance. It also includes a keyword research tool that allows you to find relevant keywords for your articles.


Another great option is ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that helps you generate ideas for blog posts and other types of content in minutes. It uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand user input and generate relevant responses in real time. It also has built-in templates that make it easy to create engaging content quickly and efficiently.


If you’re looking for an AI tool specifically designed for SEO writing, then GrowthBar is a great choice. This tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyse data from Google search results and suggest topics based on what people are searching for online. It also provides detailed analytics about your content performance so you can track its progress over time.


QuillBot is another popular AI writing tool that helps users write better quality articles faster than ever before. Its advanced algorithms analyse user input and suggest words or phrases that will improve the quality of their work in real time. Additionally, it has built-in templates that make it easy to create engaging blog posts quickly and easily without having to start from scratch every time.


Finally, Rytr is an AI assistant specifically designed for creating high-quality content at a fraction of the cost compared to hiring a human writer or editor. It uses natural language processing technology to understand user input and generate relevant responses in real time while providing detailed analytics about your content performance so you can track its progress over time as well as optimise it for better results in the future.


No matter which AI writing tool you choose, remember that it should be tailored towards your specific needs in order to get the most out of it. Consider factors such as ease-of-use, features offered, pricing plans available, customer support provided etc, before making a decision so that you can find the best fit for your project requirements!



In conclusion, it is clear that AI technology can be a powerful tool for creating helpful content quickly and efficiently. However, it is important to understand the potential risks and drawbacks that come with relying on automated tools, such as poor-quality content, lack of originality and duplicate content.


Ultimately, the decision whether or not to use AI should depend on your particular needs and objectives; if you are looking for a low-cost solution then this could be a viable option, however if you require high-quality content then it may be worth considering other options. However we are not saying AI cannot produce high quality content, it is just a bad idea to let an AI write your article without anybody checking it.


This article was co-written by Shane Cousins and an AI tool known as Jasper.

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