How AI can Affect your Digital Marketing Campaigns

AI will help improve the insights and analytics you have on your digital marketing campaigns.

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Written By Shane Cousins

Mar 2023 / Reading Length: 6 minutes

Digital Marketing Campaigns

AI will help improve the insights and analytics you have on your digital marketing campaigns, AI can also identify key trends and can engage with customers and clients. AI can engage with customers and clients through chatbots and other means as well.


It seems like talk of AI technology has taken the world by storm in recent years. Developments in chatbots and AI generated art have garnered quite a lot of buzz amongst not only the tech community, but in the business world at large, where content creators, digital marketing teams, customer success teams, and many others are wondering how AI is going to affect the way they operate.


The truth is, AI has a ton to offer at nearly every level, but it isn’t always immediately apparent what the best ways to utilise AI are. Let’s explore how  AI can affect your digital marketing campaigns.

Improved Insights

Improved Insights

AI can be used, not only to chat with customers and generate content, but also to notice trends and analyse data. Insights gained from AI can change the way marketing teams solve new problems and approach old ones. Machine learning enables software to learn over time and using that type of learning, AI can help marketing teams learn more about their audience and what types of outreach are likely to gain engagement. These AI driven insights can serve a number of uses for marketing teams including but not limited to the following:

  • Identifying key market trends amongst your target audience
  • Isolating and identifying novel success metrics
  • Measuring the success of marketing campaigns over time
  • Increasing personalisation of customer outreach based on AI gleaned insights

Identifying Key Trends

With insights gained from machine learning, it’s possible to identify important trends that can tell you a lot about how to best engage with your intended audience. Needless to say, these types of insights that cutting edge AI can make significantly affect the way organisations do digital marketing. AI can help marketers identify not only key problems by recognising patterns, but also help identify new metrics with which to measure customer success, by identifying how those metrics correlate with customer outcomes. By integrating existing customer success metrics with insights gained from AI, marketing teams can further strengthen their existing marketing campaigns and embark on new ones using AI gleaned insights.

Machine Learning in a Dynamic Environment

One of the greatest benefits of machine learning and AI driven marketing insights is that through continual use of machine learning, marketing teams can learn more about their market even as the market itself changes. Even in a dynamic environment, AI can continue to learn and sharpen its approach to marketing.

Measuring Success – Going Beyond Launch

While AI and machine learning can help marketing teams develop great new campaigns using insights gleaned from trends identified by AI, that’s not the only use for AI driven analytics  in marketing campaigns. AI can also help marketing teams track campaigns and measure their success over time. Insights gained from AI that

Engaging with Customers and Clients

Paired with behind-the-scenes AI being used to identify important trends in the market and amongst customers, the integration of a seamless AI-driven customer experience can offer marketing teams the opportunity to find new ways to connect with their audiences and garner more engagement. AI can change the way marketing teams approach engagement with customers and clients a few ways:

  • AI Chat allows companies to deploy automated outreach systems that can answer complex questions for customers and provide a human-like chat experience around the clock and without excessive human oversight.
  • AI can be used to help marketers improve the way they engage with customers through email and other forms of digital outreach by improving personalisation and with robust contact tracking capabilities.
  • AI can help marketing teams gain valuable insights about customer interactions through data analysis.

I Chat

As helpful as AI can be to marketing teams, internally, AI can also be extremely useful in a customer or client facing position. Traditional  automated chat systems offer a way to engage with customers and clients around the clock without the need for human interaction, but are limited by their inability to stray outside of predetermined responses.


AI chatbots, on the other hand, are changing the way we can interact with customers through automated systems. Over the years, the technology behind automated chat systems has improved significantly, and the new generation of automated outreach increasingly integrates AI.


AI chatbots are much more advanced and use complex language models that allow them to hold human-like conversations, making them potentially far more capable of offering a seamless customer experience through automated chat. Rather than being able to only answer with preset responses, AI chatbots are dynamic and can be improved over time to provide the best experience to customers, and even gather important insights from customer or client interactions.


The use cases for AI automated chatbots are plentiful; chatbots can help assist customers or clients with support needs, answer common questions, explain products or services to users, and more. Chatbots can be a bolster to the efforts or sales teams, marketing teams, customer support teams, and even operations teams.


For marketing campaigns, AI chatbots don’t just offer a way to provide a seamless customer experience, they provide a way to create more in-depth outreach to a wider range of potential customers, as AI chatbots can be widely deployed.

Personal Touches

Aside from AI chatbots, AI can change the way you engage with customers in other ways as well. AI can help marketing teams automate personalisation in other ways–with the ability to track customer information and organise contact information, as well as the ability to generate dynamic greetings for contacts. All of this can be useful for email outreach, and connecting with existing customers and contact, but AI can also change the way marketing teams make personalised outreach to new potential customers. AI can be used to help marketers target advertisement campaigns to the right audiences based on their demographic data, which AI can be used to compare with market trends. The end result is that AI can significantly affect how marketing teams are able to get their message to the right audiences for optimal outcomes.

Generating and Distributing Content

AI’s ability to generate content could potentially become one of the most impactful changes that AI brings to marketing. Whether AI generated content is in its infancy still remains to be seen, but AI generated content is already making huge changes to the way marketing teams engage with audiences. Generating consistent good content is a challenge for nearly any marketing team in their digital marketing campaigns. The internet thrives on continual streams of content, and the ability of AI to generate content based on the needs of marketing teams represents a massive shift in the way marketing teams are able to generate consistent content.

AI Writing

Though AI’s writing often needs to be reviewed and fact-checked and might need to be smoothed out, the ability to generate writing even in a rough form can be a huge bolster to the efforts of marketing teams that want to steadily publish written content for their target audience. Even if AI generated content needs to be reviewed and edited by a human editing team, editing teams can use AI generated content to create much more content in a much shorter time than by writing it all by hand. The content can then be reviewed and published to ensure quality. AI generated writing can fill articles, blogs, emails, and even social media posts, enabling humans on marketing teams to spend more time focusing on strategy and less time on content generation.

AI Art and Other Forms of Content

While AI art is a hotly debated topic at the moment, the ability for AI to generate visual art, AI generated music, and other forms of AI generated content is a huge technological leap. These types of content creation abilities may soon be used in marketing efforts if they’re not already being used. The ability to quickly create a range of art forms with predetermined characteristics can be a powerful tool with which marketing teams may soon be able to create expansive and engaging marketing campaigns.

Connecting Content and Audiences

AI can also be used to determine which types of content certain audiences prefer to consume the most and which types of content lead to desirable outcomes for marketing campaigns. AI can learn from customer behaviour and determine which pieces of content to recommend to certain users based on their previous activity. This can help marketing teams more quickly connect with the right audiences and figure out which methods lead to the highest engagement.

The Bottom Line

While the idea of AI is nothing new, in recent years AI has made significant leaps and bounds in terms of technological capability. AI can now be used by marketing teams to help gain valuable insights about the market, understand their audiences better, find new ways to engage with audiences, create content, track and organise contact information, and track the success of marketing campaigns. We can expect to see further advancements in AI moving forward, as well as new and exciting ways marketers will be able to utilise AI and machine learning in order to better engage with their audiences and connect with the right people.

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