Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

It’s no secret that social media has taken over the world, social media started as a way for people to stay connected with friends and family.

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Written By Daena King

Jan 2023 / Reading Length: 6 minutes

social media

It’s no secret that social media has taken over the world, social media started as a way for people to stay connected with friends and family, but now this connection has become one of the many advantages of social media marketing and has helped turn social media has turned into a powerful marketing tool.


But not all businesses are using social media marketing, instead, they are sticking to the traditional methods of marketing, otherwise known as traditional marketing.


So, what’s the difference between social media marketing and traditional marketing? Let’s take a look.


social media marketing

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms to promote and sell products or services. This can be done through creating and sharing content, running ads, or holding contests and giveaways.


Social media marketing can be an effective way to reach out to potential and current customers, this is because on social media companies can engage with customers and get direct feedback in the forms of likes, dislikes, comments, and shares.

There are several advantages to using social media marketing including:

  1. It’s cost-effective: You don’t need to spend a lot of money on social media marketing, compared to traditional marketing methods.
  2. You can reach a large audience: With over 2 billion active users on social media, there is a good chance you can reach your target audience.
  3. You can build relationships: Social media marketing allows you to interact with customers and build relationships. This is valuable as it can lead to customer loyalty and repeat business.
  4. You can get feedback: As mentioned before, social media allows you to get direct feedback from customers. This is valuable as it can help you improve your products or services.
  5. Increased inbound traffic: your inbound traffic will increase if you have a social media presence because more people will learn of your company and become familiar with your company. This will then lead to them searching for keywords relevant to your website.

Some tips to successful social media marketing

  1. Create a strategy, each one of your platforms need a strategy.
  2. You must consistent, while posting consistency depends on which platform you are using, posting content regularly is always a good rule of thumb to follow.
  3. Create engaging & interesting content is very important.
  4. Make some you are engaging with the audience.
  5. Track and analyse metrics.

The 7 different types of social media

  1. Traditional social network sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and TikTok.
  2. Social review sites.
  3. Image and video sharing sites.
  4. Video hosting sites.
  5. Community blogs.
  6. Discussion sites.
  7. Sharing economy networks.

The benefits of using social media

  1. It helps builds relationships, social media is not just about brands connecting with their customers but it’s about building and forming relationships
  2.  Share your expertise, social media gives you an opportunity to talk about what you know and what you want to be known for, social media gives you the opportunity to talk about what you know, sharing your expertise will attract potential professional and personal connections. If you share content on topics that you know much about, you can begin to build credibility. This doesn’t just go for only for your online presence if you live your personal brand and your actions reflect your online presence.
  3. Increases your visibly, By spending time talking about your expertise, consistently managing your social channels, then you have the potential to greatly increase your visibility and even become a thought leader in your space, good content gets shared!! But you got to remember it’s not just pushing content, its about engaging with other people’s content, following and interacting with them on social media, this will help build relationships and it will get your name out there for people to turn to.
  4. Educate yourself, Social media allows you to hone in on what you really care about and what you really want to read.
  5. Connect at anytime, Being able to communicate and connect with anyone instantly outweighs the potential negative. Social media can help you connect before, during and after networking events.


Social media is a land of new opportunity, With a little love and care, we can start to build and shape our personal brands into an epicenter of opportunity.


What is traditional marketing

Traditional marketing is the process of using advertising and other traditional methods to reach customers. This can include TV, radio, print ads, direct mail, and telemarketing. Traditional marketing is often used by businesses that want to reach a large audience quickly and efficiently.


There are several advantages to using traditional marketing including:

  1. It’s effective: Traditional marketing can be an effective way to reach out to potential and current customers. they are also more sustainable and leave a longer impression on customers.
  2. You can target a specific audience: Traditional marketing allows you to target a specific audience with your marketing efforts. This is valuable as it ensures that your marketing dollars are being spent in the most efficient way possible.
  3. You can measure results: With traditional marketing, you can measure how effective your marketing efforts are. This is valuable as it allows you to adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.
  4. it’s much easier to connect with a local audience: Traditional marketing is a great way to connect with a local audience. This is valuable as it allows you to build relationships with potential and current customers.

The difference between social media marketing and traditional marketing

There are several key differences between social media marketing and traditional marketing. Perhaps the most significant difference is that social media marketing is interactive, whereas traditional marketing is not. With social media marketing, businesses can engage with customers and get direct feedback.


This is valuable as it can help businesses improve their products or services. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, is not interactive. This means that businesses cannot engage with customers and get feedback. another key difference is that social media marketing is cost-effective, whereas traditional marketing can be expensive.


This is because social media marketing does not require a lot of money to reach a large audience. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, can be expensive as it often relies on paid advertising to reach customers. Finally, social media marketing can be more effective than traditional marketing in building relationships with customers.


This is because social media marketing allows businesses to interact with customers and get direct feedback. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, does not allow for this interaction.


Social media marketing and traditional marketing are two very different things. Social media marketing focuses on interacting with customers through social media platforms, whereas traditional marketing relies on advertising and other traditional methods to reach customers.


There are pros and cons to both methods, so it’s important to understand the differences before deciding which is right for your business. However in my personal opinion i believe the advantages of social media marketing outweigh the advantages of traditional marketing


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