Click vs Conversion: What's More Important?

When it comes to online advertising, there are two main metrics that people focus on: clicks and conversions.

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Written By Shane Cousins

Apr 2022 / Reading Length: 5 minutes


When it comes to online advertising, there are two main metrics that people focus on: clicks and conversions. But which one is more important? And which one should you be focusing on more in your campaigns? In this article, we’ll explore the difference between clicks and conversions, and show you why you should be focusing on conversions rather than clicks.


What is a Click, and What is a Conversion?

A click is when someone clicks on your ad. This is generally considered a good thing because it means that people are interested in what you’re selling, and they want to learn more. A conversion, on the other hand, is when someone takes an action that you want them to take, such as buying your product or signing up for your newsletter.


Click vs Conversion

As stated previously, the two main metrics that people focus on are click and conversion, but which one is more important

In general, clicks are a good indication that people are interested in what you’re selling. However, conversions are a better indication of success, because they show that people are taking the desired action. For this reason, you should be focusing on conversions rather than clicks in your ad campaigns. Keep in mind that not all clicks will result in a conversion, but if you focus on getting more people to convert, the number of clicks will take care of itself.

So, what can you do to increase your conversion rate? Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your landing page is relevant to the ad that people clicked on. If they click on an ad for a pair of shoes, make sure they are taken to a page with information about shoes, and not a page about flowers.
  • Make it easy for people to buy your product or sign up for your newsletter. If there are too many steps between clicking on your ad and taking the desired action, people will be less likely to convert.
  • Make sure your website is easy to use. People are more likely to convert if they can easily find what they’re looking for on your website.
  • Test different variations of your ads and see which ones result in the highest conversion rate. Not all ads are going to be successful, so it’s important to test different ones and see which ones work best.


How to get more Conversions with Better Copywriting and Design.

When it comes to getting more conversions, copywriting and design are two of the most important factors. If your copy is boring or your design is not engaging enough, people will be less likely to convert. However, if your copy is interesting and your design is attractive, you’ll be more likely to get more conversions.

So how do you Improve your Copywriting and Design?

Here are a few tips:

  • Copywriting: Make sure your copy is engaging and easy to read. Try using shorter paragraphs, bullets points, and subheadings to make it easier for people to digest. Also, use persuasive language that will make people want to take action.
  • Design: Make sure your website is attractive and easy to navigate. Use colours, fonts, and images that will capture people’s attention. Also, make sure your buttons and call-to-action buttons are easy to see to click on.



If you can tap into how your customer’s brains work at different stages in the purchasing process or lead funnel, you may be able to drive more sales with less effort. The neuroscience sales tips we’ve provided should help you get started thinking about how you can leverage the power of the human brain in your digital marketing strategy.

If you found this article on click vs conversion useful, why not read our blog on how to increase your organic traffic or read our article on how to boost your social media traffic.

If you are looking for a team to handle your SEO, get in touch with WTBI, check out our SEO services page for more details.

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