The Future Of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is invading and transforming the design and media landscape. It has been touted as the next big thing since smartphones.

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Written By Shane Cousins

May 2022 / Reading Length: 4 minutes

The Future Of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is invading and transforming the design and media landscape. It has been touted as the next big thing since smartphones, and we’re starting to see sites like Snapchat and Ikea make use of AR in their platforms. It’s not quite at the level of virtual reality (VR), but it’s chugging along nicely (with some bumps on its road ahead).In this article we will go over the future of augmented reality and what this means for businesses

What is augmented reality and how does it work?

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. AR works by using a camera, sensor, or tracking system to capture the real-world environment and then overlaying digital information on top of it. This can be done through a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, or special glasses or goggles.

There are two main types of AR: marker-based and markerless. Marker-based AR uses physical markers, such as QR codes or barcodes, to track and identify the position of the digital content concerning the real-world environment. Markerless AR does not require any physical markers; instead, the system uses computer vision to analyse images.

The markerless type is becoming increasingly popular with companies because it creates a seamless experience for users. There are numerous applications of AR, including, but not limited to: helping visually impaired people navigate their environment by placing objects in the real world via GPS; aiding architects and engineers by creating virtual models and simulations; and giving product managers and designers access to their products in real space.

Pros and cons of augmented reality

AR has several advantages over other forms of computer-mediated reality, such as virtual reality (VR). First, it is less expensive and cumbersome to set up than VR. Second, users do not need to be confined to limited space, as they do with VR. This makes AR more suitable for public use and applications such as education and training.

However, there are also some disadvantages to AR. One is that it can be difficult to create content that is visually appealing and engaging. Another is that the technology can be glitchy and cause disruption in the real-world environment. Finally, some people may find the experience of augmented reality to be overwhelming or disturbing.

The future of AR

Augmented reality is quickly evolving and changing, which means its future is shrouded in some uncertainty. However, there are a few things we can predict about AR’s future.

First, as the technology becomes more sophisticated and refined, it will become more widely used and accepted. We are already seeing this with the increasing popularity of markerless AR such as Ikea Place, Pokémon Go and Snap Chat. Second, as more companies begin to experiment with and utilise AR in their platforms, the quality of the experience will continue to improve. Third, AR is increasingly being used for educational purposes and training by incorporating gamification into the curricula creating educational material. Finally, its use in advertising and marketing can only continue to grow enabling brands to offer their target markets the opportunity to try out products using their cameras and monitors.

What this means for businesses

As augmented reality becomes more popular, savvy business owners will ensure that their company is making use of it. To get started with AR, you need to determine what you want to achieve with the technology. Understanding your buyers and their expectations is the first step; research potential users, name all your personas to devise an effective marketing campaign, categorise personas based on interest and needs. You need to have a clear idea of what you expect from AR before going forward with this endeavour.

Using Augmented reality helps businesses build customer base, connect with their audience and increase brand awareness. And multiple industries can already be seen to be embracing AR technology; healthcare breaking down medical concepts into 3D form, Retail with virtual ‘try on’ experiences, Gaming, Construction offering aerial and 3D renderings for virtual tours of properties, Travel and tourism through interactive maps & real-time information and Education introducing AR in the classroom.

AR can also help bridge the gap between traditional advertising and the increasing popularity of social media. Create a fun, engaging experience will make it highly shareable increasing a brands reach. Consumers are fascinated by the addition of AR objects in their own environment bridging the gap between the imagined and reality.AR offers more opportunities for innovative content and thus driving value for an audience.


Augmented reality is changing the way we live, work and play. It’s not just for gaming anymore! AR technology has many uses in different fields of study, design, media production and more. Statistics show that augmented reality is ready for mainstream adoption. A source from Retail Customer Experience tells us engagement is up nearly 20% since 2020 and Mobile Marketer indicates that 3D content can increase conversion by 27%. AR can and will go a long way in making our lives more convenient and how we shop. There is no doubt AR is good for future business.

If you found this article on the future of augmented reality interesting, be sure to check out our article on augmented reality in ecommerce.

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