WTBI Stages A Show Of Support

WTBI help local Cottingham CofE Primary School in their time of need.

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Written By Andy Hodson

May 2021 / Reading Length: 6 minutes

Back in early 2020 we provided some help for Cottingham CofE Primary School in the form of some funding for a new stage and support for their football team kit. Lockdown kicked in and it is only now that the school can start to make use of this .


Here’s how it all started…

Andy had recently been to Cottingham CofE Primary School to watch his children in the Christmas nativity play (2019). Having to sit close to the back of the room and struggling to see his children at the front due to the play taking place on mostly the floor and other parents also trying to see their children over the rows of chairs he mentioned his frustration to his wife and that they could do with some decent staging so that the parents got a better experience.

This coincided with a letter being sent home a few days later with a plea for help in sponsoring/purchasing some staging to help improve the various shows at the school. Keen to help, Andy came back and spoke to his colleagues about the possibility of sponsoring the football team and purchasing some of the staging to help.


“I had a vested interest in the staging as I knew how much this would improve the shows Cottingham Primary School put on and improve how we the parents would be able to view these shows in the future.”


Andy Hodson – Creative Director, WTBI


“When Andy suggested making a contribution to Cottingham Primary Schools staging it instantly felt like something we should be getting involved in. All of WTBI’s Directorship have young children who are schooled locally so each of us can connect with seeing our children performing on stage. Its the school plays and Christmas panto performances that stay with us and are fondly reflected on as our children grow up.”


Dave Calvert – Technical Director, WTBI

Having offices in the Corby area for over 10 years WTBI is a company that always looks to make use and give back to the community when and where we can. This request from Cottingham CofE Primary School was a perfect opportunity for the company to do just that and had particular synergy for Andy and his children and we hope it gives a benefit to the children, staff and parents of the school in the coming years.

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